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Ian McGeechan: my life with the British and Irish Lions is not over yet

Ian McGeechan: my life with the British and Irish Lions is not over yet

Nic B30 Sep 2009 - 13:45
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Perhaps it is the imminent publication of Ian McGeechan's autobiography that has stirred everyone into action but . . .

Perhaps it is the imminent publication of Ian McGeechan's autobiography that has stirred everyone into action but whatever the prompt, supporters have not seen the last of him in a Lions context.

As he saluted the cheering Lions hordes in Ellis Park at the end of the recent series many feared that, after seven tours, his association was at an end. Sense, though, has prevailed.

"If it suits the Lions board, I'm very keen to be involved in planning for Australia in 2013," McGeechan said as he got ready for the publicity tour around Britain and Ireland that accompanies the launch of his splendid book Ian McGeechan – Lion Man.

"There have been initial talks. Getting the pre-tour stuff right is vital. We had to battle against that in South Africa. The schedule was already in place when I was appointed. It's in everyone's interests that the Lions are competitive.

"That means that the build-up itinerary has to be spot on, so too the calibre of opponent. You also need a proper lead-in programme back home."

If the consultancy role comes to pass, McGeechan would lobby all vested parties to give the Lions a central place in the rugby calendar.

"There are still too many people who are rather two-faced about the Lions," McGeechan says in the book, chiding those at club and union level who love the buzz and the profile that the Lions bring, yet do little to ensure their success.

McGeechan said that he feared that if the third Test had been lost in South Africa then the credibility of the Lions as a sporting entity would have been in tatters.

As it was, they inflicted a record-equalling 28-9 defeat on the Springboks, a much-needed uplift after the series had been lost the previous weekend in such gut-wrenching circumstances.

"If we'd lost, or worse, caved in completely, as happened in 2005, then there would have been serious questions raised about the future of the Lions."

McGeechan acknowledges that losing the second Test against South Africa was "my biggest sporting regret ever". Yet he also recognises that heroic failure somehow touched a nerve.

Last week in London, McGeechan was accosted on the Tube by people wanting to shake his hand. Would he trade that romantic feel-good vibe for an ugly, run-of-the-mill series victory?

He cuts you off. "Of course I would."

The narrative of that series is dramatically recounted in Lion Man, telling of the desire to restore old-school values and the heartfelt affection for the efforts of players, management and back-room staff.

He describes his insistence that Phil Vickery be chosen for the third Test and given the chance of redemption and that he should have picked Simon Shaw for the first Test, his feeling that the Lions had been "too soft" in that game.

McGeechan's view is that Schalk Burger's gouging was "a red card", and the subsequent eight-week suspension should "probably have been more", while he has nothing but admiration for Springboks captain John Smit.

McGeechan praises the Springboks coaching panel, though feels that controversial head coach Peter de Villiers "maybe regrets" his apparent defence of Burger's actions.

McGeechan, 62, is one of the most respected figures in the game. It is illuminating to read of his working-class roots, of his much-loved father, Govan-reared Bob, who died so young at 48, and his dad's life in the services, of Ian's Yorkshire upbringing, of his first sporting love and his stints bowling left-arm swing to Geoffrey Boycott and others in the nets.

The McGeechans are a tight-knit family. His wife Judy, who fostered children in the early years, made ends meet while her husband was forced to take unpaid leave from his teaching job to play rugby.

If Harlequins ever do come knocking for him to take up a director of rugby role there – "no contact and nothing to be ruled in or out" – then it will be discussed in family first.

McGeechan's second family, the Lions, look to be in extremely good hands, too.

Further reading